Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Colonel Tigh and The Revolution

I'm watching Slavery and The Making of America on PBS and all of a sudden they mention "Titus," a runaway slave from New Jersey who fought for the British who came to be known as "Colonel Tigh." This guy was evidently a leader of a racially mixed band of soldiers who fought for five years against his fomer master and others.


I seem to remember a Colonel Tigh, also black, from a certain 70's sci-fi show.

Hey, Terry Carter was born in Brooklyn and went to Stuyvesant!


  1. Hey! You posted a comment on my blog earlier... just wanted to stop by tell you you have to be most prolific blogger I've met yet :)

    You may have read more of my blog by now and answered your own question, but if you haven't: I have around 27 chapters of a 40 chapter fantasy novel completed. I am shopping it around, but I'm probably going to end up self-publishing because it isn't the normal fantasy fare (it's more of a straight-forward murder mystery than a fantasy novel).

    Anyways, later tonight I might be commenting on more of your blog (especially on the LOTR extended DVDs).

  2. Hi! I'm not a prolific blogger at all -- yours is the first blog I ever posted a comment to. And my own blog is only a few days old!

    I hope you continue to update your blog. It will be interesting to observe the process of getting a novel published.

  3. I'm just looking at how often you have posted since you started. I'm lucky to get back once a week to make a post.
