Here's the breakdown of what I was able to record and review:
Wide shot of a handful of small fighter craft approaching Coruscant.
Chancellor Palpatine in a private chat tells Anakin, "The Dark Side is a pathway to powers some consider to be unnatural."
Anakin asks, "Is it possible to learn this power?"
Palpatine says, "A Jedi cannot show you."
[Side note: Anakin has a 6" burn scar on the right side of his face. Not very deep, but probably from a lightsaber. It goes right through his eyebrow, so he must've come close to losing an eye.]
Cut to Obi Wan walking with Anakin.
"The Council wants you to report on all of Palpatine's dealings."
"That's treason!" Anakin says suspiciously.
"We are at war," Obi Wan replies as a series of shots fly by -- General Grevious, then some clone troopers getting blown up, then some massive space battles.
Cut to a scene, possibly in a circular theatre, where senators and Jedi are viewing God knows what. The Star Wars version of Cirque De Soleil?
Cut to Palpatine patting Anakin on the back in a fatherly fashion.
Cut to Mace and Obi Wan in the cockpit of a ship.
Mace says, "Verrrry dangerous putting them together. I don't think the boy can handle it. I don't trust him."
Obi Wan looks at him.
[Side note: I doubt that Mace's line is delivered this way in the movie. It's not clear that Anakin is the "he" that Mace is talking about.]
Cut to a scene in Palpatine's office. "I need your help, son," he says, looking tired and needy. "I'm appointing you to be my personal representative on the Jedi Council."
Cut to Anakin standing in the center of the Jedi Council's circle.
"You've been appointed to the Council," Mace tells Anakin, "but we don't grant you the rank of 'Master.'"
"WHAT? says Anakin.
[Side note: LOL!]
Obi Wan glances to the side and almost looks like he's smiling.
[Side note: Again, I doubt that this scene will really go down like this in the movie.]
Cut to a scene with Anakin and Padme, probably in her apartment. Anakin has his shirt open and he looks sweaty and mad.
[Side note: LOL!]
"Obi Wan and the Council don't trust me!" he bitches.
Padme looks concerned.
More battle scenes. A large cannon is fired indoors by some clone troopers. The voice of Palpatine says. "Learn to know the Dark Side of the Force and you'll achieve a power greater than any Jedi."
[Side note: "Learn to know?" Eh? I must've heard that wrong...]
Cut to Anakin in a saber fight with someone out of the frame. Probably Count Dooku. They are in a dark chamber and Palpatine is sitting in a chair watching the fight.
[Side note: It's the same scene as in ROTJ where Luke fights Vader while the Battle of Endor rages in the background. Obviously, when Palpatine says, "Strike him down!" Anakin will say "yes," while Luke says "no."]
Cut to Mace, Kit Fisto and two other Jedi marching in to Palpatine's office.
"You're under arrest, Chancellor!" says Mace. All four Jedi draw and ignite their lightsabers.
"Are you threatening me Master Jedi?" Palpatine snarls. A lightsaber concealed in his sleeve drops into his hand. Palpatine leaps over his desk with an ignited saber and takes on all four.
[Side note: This scene rocks!]
A series of one second cuts follow: battles, things blowing up, Bail Organa wearing armor and shouting, "NOOOO!"
A fighter craft approaches a dry-looking planet that doesn't quite look like Tatooine.
Anakin hangs off a catwalk over a chasm.
[Side note: Almost the same shot as when Luke was hanging off Cloud City in TESB]
Shot of a lava planet.
Shot of Obi Wan fighting General Grevious outdoors.
Shot of a Wookie jumping off a land vehicle of some kind.
Shot of a building on Coruscant engulfed in smoke, probably the Jedi temple.
Shot of Palpatine, now wearing his ugly Darth Sidious face. "Every Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic!" he wheezes.
Shot of Yoda's eyes widening.
Shot of Mace saber fighting someone.
Shot of another Wookie, probably Chewbacca, roaring.
[Side note: He's wearing a bandolier, so...]
Shot of a Blockade Runner ship flying somewhere.
[Side note: This is the ship seen in the opening scene of Episode IV. I think the ship is called the Tantive I? This is Bail Organa's ship.]
"Do what must be done!" commands Palpatine.
Shot of Anakin, now sporting a hood and yellow eyes marching into the Jedi Temple with a few ranks of clones following him.
Palpatine's voice: "Do not hesitate!"
A green Twi'lek female jedi turns around.
A pointy-headed jedi turns around. A clone trooper fires on him.
Anakin, looking pissed, marches forward and starts killing people.
Cut to Obi Wan talking to Yoda: "Who couldve done this?"
"Twisted by the Dark Side young Skywalker has become," says Yoda.
Cut to Anakin in a factory, then another cut to him slicing through the chest of Nute Gunray.
[Side note: This is the Trade Federation guy who's been trying to kill Padme for years.]
Cut to C-3PO standing next to Padme on a balcony as an aerial battle rages over the streets of Coruscant. "I feel so helpless!" he moans.
Cut to Padme sobbing in her room.
[Side note: I fear that Padme is going to spend the whole movie doing little more than crying. Boo!]
Cut to Anakin and Obi Wan saber fighting indoors.
Cut to Chewie roaring again and hanging off a vehicle.
Cut to Darth Sidious unleashing Force lightning on poor Yoda!
Cut to a sweating Obi Wan looking scared and holding up his hands in a gesture that could be "Peace!" or "Wait, don't kill me!"
End of tape!
What I remember of the rest of the trailer:
- Yoda hanging off of one of those floating platforms in the Senate, getting owned by Darth Sidious.
- Obi Wan pleading with Anakin, "You were the Chosen One!"
(^%^$&%**()))+)^$#@ I didn't get to see it. Sounds like fightin words to me. I sort of don't like the idea of seeing Ani fall to the dark side - though I know the ending it some how hurts to see him EVIL. But I don't mind all the action. I guess Padme had to see something in him to sleep with the Dark Side Ani - that's weird stuff to me; or maybe it is destiny.
ReplyDeleteHope to see it again soon.
Ciao baby.