Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Jedi Fabulous

Things are heating up in Star Wars Galaxies! Evidently some players thought the game wasn't "Star Wars enough" (what??) so now players can openly battle each other and NPCs for the control of planets and moons. I healed several people on Friday night who got the shit shot out of them by stormtroopers. Go me!

They're added news terminals in the starports so you can read Imperial propaganda about how Bush -- uh, I meant Emperor Palpatine -- is winning the war.

Darth Vader made an appearance in the plaza in front of the starport in Theed on Sunday!


I wasn't online at the time, however. Dammit!

I'm hoping to catch sight of the Emperor. However, I have no plans to kneel and say, "What is thy bidding, my master?"

This is all very exciting, but I fully realize that I may find my house on Dantooine in flames one day because I happen to live in an Imperial city and the Rebels might shoot me too. I just live there. I didn't even vote in the recent election, though mayor Dotwari seems like a nice Twilek lady. She gave me a free house and paid my first month's rent, after all.


On another note, I would assume there will be tie-ins to Episode III coming in the near future. At the very least I would expect a new expansion pack to drop and some new planets (maybe the Wookie homeworld, Kashyyyk) to open up.

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