Monday, March 14, 2005

"U Want Me 2 Kill Him?"

Now this is how you start a freaking story:

Sometimes, as night falls over Greater Manchester, the ingenious adolescent returns to the place where he was stabbed last year, when he was 14. The boy is tall for his age, but slight, with olive skin, a long crooked nose, and dark, intelligent eyes framed by thick black brows poised for flight. The stab wounds still pain him. One in the chest—that was the light wound—and another in the abdomen, six inches deep, which pierced his kidney and liver and necessitated the removal of his gallbladder. It was from this injury that the teenager almost died on the operating table—twice, police tell me.

Kickass, no?

This article by Judy Bachrach in the February 2005 issue of Vanity Fair has been optioned already as a movie to be directed by Bryan Singer.

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