Friday, March 25, 2005

What plotlines, characters or scenes in the Star Wars saga irritate you the most?

  • How can the Jedi fight evil if they are forbidden to have ties to anyone? What are they fighting for? Is it possible to do Good if you feel nothing?
  • I’ve never bought why Han didn’t try to kill Lando after he got out of the carbonite. Yes, I know that Lando was pressured into handing him over to Vader and he would’ve been killed if he didn’t. But how can anyone be cool with him after that?
  • Anakin, the Chosen One, is supposed to bring balance to the Force. What, was there an excess of Good? If so, shouldn't the Evil have lasted as long as the Republic did -- 1,000 years?
  • Death Star II. Why? Why would you allocate resources for a second Death Star when the first one had a design flaw? But to be honest, the second Death Star was probably under construction before the first one even blew up. It's got to take a long time to build something like that.
  • The Battle of Endor. Even with Death Star II being blow up, the Empire should've won the battle. There were at least fifty star destroyers there, all hanging back, as per Palpatine's orders. If one of those asshole admirals had had some balls and told the other ships to attack, they could've still won. They far outnumbered the Rebel fleet. Stupid.
  • Padme's decoys. I just don't get it. Why choose decoys over really good bodyguards?
  • Luke and Leia being twins is not necessary. The fact that they are makes their kiss in TESB creepy, as many have pointed out over the years. Wouldn't it have been a better storyline if Luke simply lost out to Han by focusing more effort on his Jedi training? He comes back dragging the ultimate badass prize -- Vader's carcass -- only to find out he lost his girl to a smuggler? Tell me that's not better drama.

  • Mon Mothma. She just looks like someone I know I would not get along with. Stern bitch!
  • Boba Fett. Why do people like this character? He didn’t do shit in the OT except get taken out by a blind Han Solo by accident!
  • Princess Leia. I totally hate her. She has such a nagging wife voice. "Han, get up here!" Shut up already!!

  • Shmi telling Qui-Gon that Anakin was the product of a virgin birth.
  • The scene from ROTJ where Ben explains that the bullshit lies he told Luke about Vader killing Anakin were true – from a certain point of view.
  • The scene in ROTJ where Luke asks Leia if she remembers “her real mother.” This is the last movie of a trilogy, but this is the first time we’re hearing she was adopted!
  • The Vader vs. Luke fight in ROTJ. Vader let Luke win.
  • Palpatine's death in ROTJ. Why couldn't he levitate his way out of that shaft? Or land on one of the little "bridges" down there?

I stole this topic from

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