Saturday, April 30, 2005

By The Numbers

100,000: The number of worlds represented in the Galactic Senate.
25,000: The number of years the Jedi served the Old Republic.
10,000: The number of Jedi in the Order, as of The Phantom Menace.
1,000: Years that the Sith have been in hiding.
900: Yoda’s approximate age at the time of his death.
800: Approximate number of years that Yoda trained Jedi.
200: The number of Jedi and Padawans who fought at the Battle of Geonosis.
57: Qui-Gon’s approximate age at the time of his death.
30: The number of seconds Anakin fought Count Dooku before the latter sliced off his arm.
18: Age of Luke and Leia in A New Hope.
15: The number of Jabba's henchmen slain or maimed by Luke in the sailbarge assault.
14: The number of Jedi and Padawans to survive the Battle of Geonosis.
12: Members of the Jedi Council.
3: The number of Sith Lords Obi-Wan Kenobi dueled.
2: The number of Sith at any given time, since Darth Bane.
1: Only the "Chosen One" can bring balance to the Force.
0: The number of lives C-3PO has saved.

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