Monday, April 18, 2005

The Force Powers

I’ve come across many Force powers in the audio books, and God knows how many were created in nearly 30 years of video games, but for amusement (or out of boredom) I thought I’d list the powers that are “canon” (i.e. were featured in the movies).

A New Hope:

  • Cause Fear: Or is this mere mimicry? Used by Ben to frighten away the Tuskens who attacked Luke and Threepio.
  • Force Choke: Use by Vader against an Imperial commander during a staff meeting.
  • Intuition: Used by Luke when training with Ben’s laser-shooting droid and later used to aim the shots that destroyed the Death Star.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: Used by Ben against the stormtroopers in Mos Eisley. Possibly used by Leia to mask her thoughts when interrogated by Vader on the Death Star.
  • Sense Disturbance in the Force: Felt by Ben when Alderaan was destroyed.
  • Sense Force User: Used by Ben and Vader to sense each other on the Death Star. Used by Vader to sense the threat of Luke during the attack run on the Death Star.

The Empire Strikes Back:

  • Absorb Energy: Is this a Jedi power? Vader absorbs two blasts from Han’s pistol, but this may be a function of his armor.
  • Communicate with the Living: Used by deceased Ben to tell Luke to go to Yoda for training.
  • Force Choke: Used by Vader to kill Needa and Ozzel. Possibly used as a “nudge” against Lando in Cloud City.
  • Force Leap (Down): Probably used by Luke to survive dropping from the underside of an AT-AT on Hoth and later to survive falling down the ventilation shaft in Cloud City. Used by Vader to fly down the stairs like a vampire and attack Luke in Cloud City.
  • Force Leap (Up): Used by Luke in the fight against Vader in Cloud City.
  • Force Pull: Used by Luke to free his lightsaber from the snow in the Wampa’s cave and to retrieve his dropped lightsaber while fighting Vader in Cloud City. Used by Vader to pull Han’s blaster out of his hand in Cloud City.
  • Force Push: Used by Vader to hurl objects at Luke in Cloud City.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: Possibly used against Lando by Vader.
  • Levitate Object: Used by Luke and Yoda on Dagobah to levitate rocks, R2 and Luke’s X-wing.
    Precognition: Used by Luke on Dagobah to foresee his friends’ torture in Cloud City. Used inconclusively by Yoda.
  • Sense Emotion: Used by Yoda and Vader on Luke.
  • Sense Force User: Used by Luke and Vader to sense each other.
  • Telepathy: Used by Luke to call Leia for help when he was dangling off the bottom on Cloud City. Used by Vader to speak to Luke while the latter was fleeing from Cloud City in the Falcon.

The Return of the Jedi:

  • Communicate with the Living: Used by Ben to talk to Luke on Dagobah. Used by Anakin, Ben and Yoda to say goodbye to Luke on Endor.
  • E.S.P.: Used by Vader to read Luke’s mind and find out that Leia is Luke’s sister.
  • Force Choke: Used by Luke against the Gamorean guards in Jabba’s palace. Probably used by Leia to kill Jabba on the sail barge.
  • Force Leap (Up): Used by Luke in the fight against Jabba’s thugs over the sarlac pit.
  • Force Lightning: Used by the Emperor against Luke and Vader during the battle of Endor.
  • Force Pull: Used by Luke to pull a blaster from the hands of one of Jabba’s guards before falling into the rancor’s den.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: Used by Luke against Bib Fortuna, Jabba’s henchman. Luke attempted to use this power against Jabba and failed.
  • Levitate Object: Used by Luke on 3PO to impress the Ewoks.
  • Precognition: Used by the Emperor to predict that Luke would surrender to Vader.
  • Sense Emotion: Used by Vader and Luke on each other. Used by the Emperor on Vader and Luke.
  • Sense Force User: Used by Luke and Vader to sense each other. Used by Leia to sense Luke.

The Phantom Menace:

  • E.S.P: Used by Anakin to read the images on Mace’s monitor when the latter tested his abilities with the Force. Used by Ki-Adi-Mundi and Yoda on Anakin when the latter was brought before the Jedi Council by Qui-Gon.
  • Force Leap: Darth Maul, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon use this in their duel.
  • Force Pull: Obi-Wan uses this power to retrieve Qui-Gon’s lightsaber and kill Darth Maul.
  • Force Push: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon use this numerous times against the droids they fight on the Trade Federation ship and on Naboo. Used by Qui-Gon to cheat at dice against Watto and win Anakin’s freedom.
  • Force Sprint: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon display super speed near the beginning of the movie when they dash away from the droids on the Trade Federation ship.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: Qui-Gon uses this on Boss Nas to get him to give him a ship. He tries to use this on Watto, but fails.
  • Precognition: Used by Anakin to win the podrace.
  • Sense Disturbance in the Force: Felt by Qui-Gon, Mace, Yoda, and Obi-Wan, all concerning the reemergence of the Sith and the “Chosen One” status of Anakin.
  • Sense Force User: Used by Qui-Gon to sense Darth Maul.

Attack of the Clones:

  • Communicate with the Living: Used by Qui-Gon to try to stop Anakin from slaughtering the Tuskens.
  • Force Leap (Down): Anakin and Obi-Wan do this to slow their descent from various falls in the Zam Wessell aircar chase over Coruscant. Used by Anakin when sneaking in to the Tusken camp. Mace uses this power when he flips off the balcony in the Geonosis arena.
  • Force Leap (Forward): Used by Anakin to parry Dooku’s lightsaber and save Obi-Wan’s life in the fight against Count Dooku.
  • Force Lightning: Used by Count Dooku against Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda.
  • Force Pull: Used by Obi-Wan to retrieve a star map “marble” while talking to Yoda in the younglings’ training room. Used by Anakin to impress Padme on Naboo.
  • Force Push: Anakin uses this power a lot in the droid factory sequence. Yoda uses this power to save Anakin and Obi-Wan from being crushed by a pillar after the fight with Count Dooku. This power is also used by Dooku to shove Anakin across the room after Dooku sliced off his arm. Used by Kit Fisto to disable Threepio in the Geonosis arena.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: It’s not clear, but Anakin appears to use this against Zam Wessell to get her to tell him who hired her. Used by Anakin to tame one of the Geonosis arena animals.
  • Levitate Object: Used by Anakin to impress Padme on Coruscant and on Naboo. Yoda uses this power to save Anakin and Obi-Wan from being crushed by a pillar after the fight with Count Dooku.
  • Precognition: Used by Anakin to foretell his mother’s impending death.

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