Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sith TV Spots

Yeah, I probably ought to be appalled at all of the promotions and tie-ins for this movie, but if you’ve got a product people like, so what? Why be a hater?

Lego’s Revenge of the Brick short film is cute. It’s amazing that Anakin, even as a Lego toy, looks evil. The best part is when Chewie takes a picture of Anakin and Obi-Wan chillin at a bar (that would be cool if they did they hung out at least once -- as if they’re friends, you know?) and when it’s printed he sees a future image of the fight between old Obi-Wan and Vader.

Yoda’s Diet Pepsi commercial is okay, but Chewie’s cellphone commercial (“I love it -- now make me hate it.”) and the Dark M&Ms are more amusing.

My hands down favorite is the Dodgeball commercial for the ROTS video game where a geeky kid destined to be pummeled by two thugs in gym class whips out a lightsaber and turns the tables.

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