Monday, June 20, 2005

Attack of The Clones: Infinities

Picking up where I left off back on the 11th with Prequel Infinities. As you recall, the idea is to change one major thing, but end up with the same result -- Anakin becomes Darth Vader.

Attack of The Clones:

  • What if either assassination attempt on Padme (the bombing or the insects) had been successful?
  • What if Anakin had reached his mom in time to save her life?
  • What if, despite the death of his mother, Anakin hadn’t massacred the sandpeople?
  • What if Obi-Wan had been killed by Jango Fett on Kamino?
  • What if Mace, Anakin, Obi-Wan or Yoda had killed Dooku on Geonosis?
  • What if Dooku had killed Obi-Wan or Yoda on Geonosis?
  • What if Padme had remained firm in her initial rejection of Anakin and they did not ultimately elope on Naboo?
  • What if the Jedi Council had sent Anakin to Kamino to search for the assassin and had sent Obi-Wan to Naboo with Padme -- and the latter two fell in love?
  • What if Anakin had resigned from the Jedi Order after Shmi’s death and had stayed on Tatooine with the Lars family?
  • What if Anakin had resigned from the Jedi Order after Shmi’s death and had returned to Naboo to marry Padme?
  • What if Obi-Wan had accepted Dooku’s offer and had joined him against Palpatine?
  • What if Dooku had “outed” Palpatine to Obi-Wan in his “join me” speech on Geonosis?
  • What if Jar Jar hadn’t proposed that the Senate grant Palpatine emergency powers?
  • What if the Senate hadn’t authorized the use of the Clone Army?

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