Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Phantom Menace: Infinities

I did some Googling to see if Dark Horse was doing, or had done an Infinities treatment of the prequel trilogy, but I couldn’t find anything. Surely they’ll do it. Easy money.

Speculating on where the breaks in continuity could take place in the prequel movies, I came up with the following for The Phantom Menace:

  • What if Anakin had lost the pod race?
  • What if Anakin had failed to blow up the Trade Federation’s ship?*
  • What if Obi-Wan had died in the fight against Darth Maul instead of Qui-Gon?
  • What if both Jedi had survived the fight?
  • What if Darth Maul had killed both Jedi?
  • What if Darth Maul had killed Qui-Gon in their first encounter?
  • What if Padme had signed Nute Gunray’s treaty and Naboo had joined the Trade Federation?
  • What if Padme had failed to secure the alliance with the Gungans?
  • What if Anakin had been welcomed as a padawan by the Jedi Council, instead rejected?
  • What if, despite the death of Qui-Gon, the Council had remained firm in its decision that Anakin should not be trained?
  • What if after being rejected by the Council, Anakin had run away on Coruscant?
  • What if Padme had purchased Shmi’s freedom out of gratitude for Anakin’s role in winning the Battle of Naboo?
  • What if the Jedi Council had purchased Shmi’s freedom?

*This scenario is too close to what they did with the A New Hope Infinities story, so they probably won’t go there.

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