Friday, June 03, 2005

This is so wizard!


"Mike P," one of the people who commented on Vodka Pundit's review of ROTS had this to say about Padme:

Why didn't Padme have an abortion?

Or at least have the fetuses surgically removed and brought to term in cloning vats?

Was it because she wanted Anakin out of the Order and as her publically acknowledged husband? Maybe she thought Anakin's 'visions' were just his way of pressuring her to abort, and she didn't believe him when he said she'd die.

Without Padme's impending death, Anakin would probably ended up aiding Windu's arrest of Palpatine. I think it'd be kind of funny if the whole galaxy ended up going to pieces because Padme stopped using contraception to try to force Anakin out of the Jedi Order.


I said the same thing about the biotechnology being high enough to have solved the problem of her dying in childbirth, but, dang!

"Shell" brought up ideas that had also crossed my mind:

Darth Vader killing children I can accept. Doing it because he's having nightmares about his wife, I can't. Why not go public with the marriage, retain the best obstetrician on Coruscant (don't tell me galactic Senators don't have gold plated health care coverage!), quit the Jedi order and the Clone Wars, and stick to your wife like glue until the delivery? If being a Jedi was more important to him than his family, then show us that conflict. But I haven't seen any reviews or spoilers that even hint at that as a motivation.

[OOC: "This is so wizard!" is a bit of nonsense from the mouth of Kitster, one of Anakin's buds from Tatooine.]

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