Saturday, July 16, 2005

BSG: Season 2 Premiere (Quickie)

Just a quick overview, since I've been sleeping all day and I need to post creatively in two other blogs by midnight.
  • Tigh is in over his head and his subordinates miss Adama's leadership already. Check.

  • Flashbacks to the beginnings of the friendship between Tigh and Adama. Check.

  • Ellen Tigh is still being manipulative. Check.

  • Laura seems more sane, now that she's in the joint. Check.

  • Starbuck and Helo have been ditched by Caprica-Boomer, so they're in deep shit. Check.

  • The survivors of the downed raptor on Kobol are being lead by the incompetent Crash Down, so they're in deep shit too. Check.
Off to a good start, I'd say.


  1. I was waiting so long for this one. I posted something on it, and I'm waiting to see how many points they hit on your Season 2 wish list. Also read your ROTS review and left a comment. But yeah, I'm just dying to discuss this with somebody.

  2. Aww, don't leave, Aurelius! I talk about other stuff than just Galactica. Just skip any post that has "BSG" in the title.
