Monday, July 11, 2005

BSG Season Two: Wishlist

Rather than try to predict what will happen in season two of Battlestar Galactica, I’ll post my wishlist of what I’d like to see.

  1. I’d like Tigh to continue to be a drunk. A real substance abuser doesn’t kick the habit easily and he has every reason to be plastered. His wife is a ho, the commander has been shot and he’s not ready for command.

  1. I’d like Tigh’s wife to remain a ho whose motives are unclear, but I don’t want her to be a Cylon. People can be evil without being Cylons.

  1. I wouldn’t mind seeing some people who aren’t military and aren’t in the government. How does a Boxey make it through the day?

  1. I’d like to see an episode where the POV shifts from the main characters to a regular person. There was an excellent episode like that in Babylon 5 where you got to see the goings on through the eyes of two janitors.

  1. Billy and Dualla suck. Kill them both.

  1. More of Lt. Gaeda. I like him.

  1. Make Chief Tyrol interesting again.

  1. Make sure Baltar stays funny. He started getting sleazy toward the end.

  1. Bring back Callie, Tyrol’s assistant. She reminds me of so many enlisted women.

  1. Laura is no longer the kind but strong leader she was in the mini-series. She’s weird and drugged up and she reminds of someone I know and it creeps me out! Make her nice again. Or at least something closer to sane.

  1. More flashbacks. I dig backstory stuff presented in flashbacks.

  1. Number Six is starting to get tired. Something has to be done about that.

  1. Apollo is not likeable. That has to be fixed. For better or worse, he is supposed to be the main character.

  1. Do more stories about the psychological effects of the destruction of the Colonies on the survivors, and less on the religious stuff. I strongly feel the writers haven’t fully thought out the mythology and beliefs of the world they’ve created and they could paint themselves into a corner.

  1. They should remake at least two of the original episodes, just to throw a bone to the longtime fans. They probably can’t do the overtly good vs. evil Count Iblis episodes, but everybody wants to see Commander Caine.

  1. Helo and Boomer’s hybrid baby is such a stupid idea. I don’t know how they can solve this bad plot development.

  1. Let Tom Zarek remain a complex character. Don’t let him be obviously evil.

  1. The rift between Starbuck and Apollo must be healed. They don’t have to sleep with each other, but if they don’t like each other, there’s a problem with the show. I don’t know how they’re going to fix this. Things between them are really ugly. And it’s not as if she can “unfuck” Baltar.


  1. This was pretty cool. In Malaysia, we've only ever seen the new BSG on Cinemax, but I did get to see a special marathon on the big screen in a cinema Cinemax booked for a night. It's being shown 2 episodes back-to-back so it's whizzing by a little fast for most people (or too slow, 1 1/2 hours without ads is a bit long for some).

    Those that love it will have to wait a LONG time to get Season 2 cos it's not syndicated on any other channel - especially Free-to-air.

    But it's a good start. Your list was cool.


  2. I’d like Tigh to continue to be a drunk. A real substance abuser doesn’t kick the habit easily and he has every reason to be plastered. His wife is a ho, the commander has been shot and he’s not ready for command.

    Love Tigh! He has so many issues, yet he's also capable of being such a great officer.

    I’d like Tigh’s wife to remain a ho whose motives are unclear, but I don’t want her to be a Cylon. People can be evil without being Cylons.

    Thank you. Someone else who doesn't want to go through the 'everyone is cylon' route. It's just crappy writing to make everyone we don't like into a cylon.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing some people who aren’t military and aren’t in the government. How does a Boxey make it through the day?

    Yeah, it would be nice to see what people are fighting *for*, and nice to see how the civilians spend their time/contribute to the fight. Otherwise, I feel the civvies aren't pulling their weight.

    I’d like to see an episode where the POV shifts from the main characters to a regular person. There was an excellent episode like that in Babylon 5 where you got to see the goings on through the eyes of two janitors.

    I heard about that episode. I hope Moore is listening! Would love to see 'a day in the life of' episode and how the wacky going ons of the ship is viewed from the 'lower decks'.

    Billy and Dualla suck. Kill them both.

    Their relationship is boring. I don't likek Billy, Dually is cool. She can stay. :)

    More of Lt. Gaeda. I like him.

    I always figured he has a thing for Balter. ;)

    Make Chief Tyrol interesting again.

    He's cool in my book.

    Laura is no longer the kind but strong leader she was in the mini-series. She’s weird and drugged up and she reminds of someone I know and it creeps me out! Make her nice again. Or at least something closer to sane.

    Yeah, I started to liker her in the middle of season one, then I started to hate her when she didn't quit after she had her delusions. I have my limit on crazy religious wackos.

    More flashbacks. I dig backstory stuff presented in flashbacks.

    I guess you haven't seen spoilers yet. :) I want to see more backstories of various characters too.

    Number Six is starting to get tired. Something has to be done about that.

    Maybe we can airlock her (along with Balter).

    Apollo is not likeable. That has to be fixed. For better or worse, he is supposed to be the main character.

    Completely, utterly disagree. He's my fav. Principled, flawed, angsty. Just the way I like 'em. But he needs to get a girl.

    Do more stories about the psychological effects of the destruction of the Colonies on the survivors, and less on the religious stuff.

    I like the religious angle, but feel we haven't fully explored the ramifications of having your entire worlds destroyed.

    They should remake at least two of the original episodes, just to throw a bone to the longtime fans. They probably can’t do the overtly good vs. evil Count Iblis episodes, but everybody wants to see Commander Caine.

    Read the spoilers yet? :)

    Helo and Boomer’s hybrid baby is such a stupid idea. I don’t know how they can solve this bad plot development.

    I'm meh on it. I've seen it done well, but it can go either way. I'm willing to wait.

    Let Tom Zarek remain a complex character. Don’t let him be obviously evil.

    They are keeping his backstory kind of ambigious so I think they're not sure how to write him yet.

    The rift between Starbuck and Apollo must be healed. They don’t have to sleep with each other, but if they don’t like each other, there’s a problem with the show.

    I'm sure the latest emergency will force them work together, thereby mitigating an animosity between them. They still care for one another, so I'm sure in a tight spot, they'll still vouch for each other. Anger is easily overcome when you think everyone's about to die....look at Lee's anger (or lack thereof) toward Kara after kara told him of her complicity in Zak's death.

  3. Hi, Box! I visited your blog. Great movie reviews. I left a comment there on Revenge of The Sith.

    As far as Galactica, maybe you can find someone to sell you a DVD of season 2 after it airs here? I'm sure someone on eBay or something will have it.

  4. Hello, Phylo!

    I'm trying to stay spoiler-free this season, so I'm going to cover my ears and say, "LA, LA, LA" if your try to spoil it for me!

    Seriously, I have high hopes for the show, but I fear the sophomore jinx.
