Saturday, August 27, 2005

BSG: Home, Part 2

Number Six plays with Baltar's dick while he's having a CAT scan. Ho hum.
This is the second episode in a row that I haven't liked too much.

Things I Liked:
  • Although I'm bored with the Baltar/Number Six relationship, part of the mystery of what's going on with him is solved in this episode. Six flips the script on Baltar and tells him there isn't any chip in his head -- he's just crazy. Baltar goes to Doc Cottle for a CAT scan that proves not only that there's no chip in his head, there's no tumor either. So his craziness isn't the result of some physical thing.
  • Adama tells Laura that she saved his life and that of everyone else in the fleet by having them flee the colonies. An interesting admission.
  • Kara tries to talk to Laura on the trek to the tomb and tells her that there's a resistance going on on Caprica that they should support. But Laura blows her off and says she can't think beyond getting to the tomb. Kara says nothing, but is sullen about Laura's dismissal of her. A lost opportunity for bonding, but a good scene.
Things I Didn't Like:
  • The Tomb of Athena thing was anti-climactic, although I did like that they have a reference, of sorts, for determining if any given planet they land on is Earth. They now know that the other twelve constellations can be seen in a specific pattern only from Earth.
  • But what was the deal with the Arrow of Apollo transporting them somewhere? Was that magic? If so, why weren't they more freaked out or more profoundly moved? And how did they get back?
  • Sharon saves Adama from an assassination plot by Zarek's boy Meier and then she swears she doesn't have any deep level programming to turn against them. Why should anyone believe that?
  • How can everyone let Zarek off the hook for his guy trying to kill Adama? Ironically, he really isn't responsible, but why isn't he held responsible anyway? Nobody trusted him before, so why give him a pass now?
  • Adama and Laura are acting like friends now. I'm sorry, it's just too abrupt, too pat, too Star Trek. He put her in jail. He suspended the rule of law. Civilians got shot opposing the Marines (okay, that was under Tigh's watch). That's beef that takes time to resolve. How can the civilians trust the military not to impose martial law the next time there's a disagreement with the President?
  • There will probably be tension between Helo and Tyrol over Sharon. How tired is that?
  • Where does the fleet (physically) go from here?


  1. Sigh. I resisted saying for a long time, mainly cos I didn't want it to be true. But I think the writing, the tight logic of it, the focus on dealing with the kind of issues scarcity and war bring (cos it was basically a story about refugees) - everything has taken a bit of a dip.

    Ron Moore kept saying on the podcasts that 'Home' essentially wrapped up Season 1 and everything after that would be the 'true' beginning of season 2. I'm still hoping that things will pick up from there.

    I hope it does. This is such a great series.

  2. The episode had too much of a "let's get it over with" feel, as if they had written themselves into a corner and they just wanted to forget the whole mess and move on to a new arc.

    Let's hope the new arc is better.
