Monday, December 26, 2005

My Secret

If you scroll down this page and look under the Currently Reading heading on the right column you may find out what my secret is, based on some of my recent reading material.


  1. Congratulations!!!

    Michelle sent me.


  2. Very cool! Congratulations!

    Michele sent me.

  3. Congratulations. I wondered why you were reading so many pregnancy books. I read one when my best friend was pregnant, it was very funny, and made me want to wait even longer to have kids. It's called Pregnancy Sucks. I never knew what hyperemesis. Now I do, and yikes is all I can say.

    I wish you a safe, happy, uneventful pregnancy.

  4. Congratulations! How exciting! I remember those days long ago and now my "baby" is 13 years old! Enjoy this time.

    Michele sent me...

  5. Thanks, everybody!

    I agree, some of those pregnancy books are scary! The Mother of All Pregnancy Books is scary, but it has good info in tabular form on what medicines are safe to take and such.
