Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Week 39

At last night's appointment the doctor announced that the baby still hadn't descended into the pelvic area and I'm still "carrying high." Since I'm having problems with my disability claim because of the way the paperwork was filled out by the doctor's office (frown!), I went ahead and had a c-section scheduled for tomorrow.

Today is going to be spent doing last minute stuff that involve driving, since I'm told I won't be able to drive for a few weeks after the c-section.

Bottom line, the baby will be born tomorrow!

Two people guessed April 5 as the birth date in my baby pool:

  • "Courtney" says the baby will be a 7lb, 11 oz. boy.

  • "FTPDiva" says it will be a 7lb, 2oz girl.

I will know tomorrow, but I probably won't post until Monday at the earliest.

Wish me luck!


  1. I was in the pool for the 12th (which is my b-day), you can't wait until next week?

    Kidding! ;-)

    Good luck. Tomorrow begins a journey with children that will last the rest of you life.

    Enjoy today... ;-)

  2. Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck!!!!!!!

    And congrats a bit early! I hope everything goes well and everyone comes home happy and healthy :)

  3. Best of everything! Your life is about to change like you just can't imagine. :-)

  4. An early welcome to the parent's club. You will eligible to leave the club in 18 years! Good Luck.

  5. Sending good vibes your way. And welcome to the club!
