Sunday, August 06, 2006

Your Comments

There are a whole bunch of comments that I didn’t get a chance to respond to because of my DSL issues, so here they are.

JamaicanQueen said...

Oh my gosh! He has gotten so big! I can't believe how big he has gotten so fast. And look at that smile! You are gonna have little girls calling your house very early!

Yes, people have been warning me about that. What will I do? How does one handle kid stalkers??

A Army Of (Cl)One said...

So Orlando is at the push up stage. How much is the lil guy rolling around or is he crawling yet?

He can’t crawl yet, but he can roll over from his back to his stomach with great effort. I cheer him on when he does it. It’s so cute. :)

Luke Cage said...

Look at dat lil mannnn!!! What's up little guy? Welcome to the Republic!

I’m thinking of dressing him up as a padawan for Halloween!


  1. Luv, check out my current post. I'm not sure if you're into comicbooks, but there's a little question at the end of my current entry that I'd like to get your opinion on. Hope to see you there miss!

  2. Hey, I didn't know your blog was back up! I left a reply.

  3. You didn't luv??? I'm sooo sorry. don't have a blog roll and just hit folks pages on whims from their last comments. Look at that. I must like coming to your page. I just hit asland.blogspot and here I be! Thanks for your comments miss and feel free to keep on coming back!
