Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Coach facing felony charges in football brawl

If I’m ever tempted to leap out of the stands at a game and eff up some kid who’s messing with my kid, I’ll try to remember what happened to this guy.

STOCKTON - An assistant youth football coach from Riverbank turned himself in to Stockton police late Saturday and was arrested on suspicion of attacking a 13-year-old opposing player at the end of a game that finished with hundreds of parents and players brawling in the middle of the field, police said.Cory Petero, 36, surrendered to police around 10 p.m. Saturday after he heard officers wanted to speak to him, said Lt. Kevin Hatano of the Stockton Police Department. Hatano would not comment on what Petero told police. Petero was charged with felony child abuse; if convicted, Petero could face up to a year in the County Jail or two to six years in prison.


UPDATE: Video is available above.