Friday, September 15, 2006

"Dog" collared for jumping bail

From CNN:

(CNN) -- Duane "Dog" Chapman, the self-proclaimed world's most-famous bounty hunter who achieved notoriety nabbing thousands of bail jumpers was arrested Thursday for allegedly jumping bail in Mexico.

U.S. marshals arrested the star of the A&E reality show "Dog the Bounty Hunter" at his home in Hawaii at the request of the Mexican government.

Chapman was wanted in connection with his highly publicized 2003 capture of Max Factor cosmetics heir Andrew Luster, who fled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, after skipping out on a $1 million bail.

Luster was later convicted in-absentia on 86 charges involving drugging three women with the date-rape drug, GHB, and raping them. Luster is serving a 124-year sentence. (Full story)

Chapman's son, Leland, also was arrested Thursday, as was colleague Tim Chapman, who is unrelated but considered a "blood brother" by Dog, according to the reality show's Web site.

Poor Dog! But he of all people should know you don't jump bail.



  1. Awwww DOG!!! Say it ain't so! I love this program. I watch like 3 or 4 reality shows and most are law enforcement related. COPS, AMW, Dallas SWAT & Dog the Bounty Hunter. I hope he doesn't get convicted though. Mexican prisons are said to be hell holes. And I'm glad that it was a bad judgment call on an arrest rather than he committed some crime like stealing money, or child porn or some stuff. He seems very genuine and concerned about his bail jumpers. I'll have to stay close to this story. Good looking out miss Michelle.

  2. I agree with Frank. At least he got busted nailing a real creep. I wonder if he'll get out of this?
