Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs

I love fake blogs. Here's Steve Jobs' so-called diary:
What kind of country has an "ombudsman" anyway? Well, Norway does. And here he is. Bjoern Erik Thon. And he says if we don't "open up" iTunes, Norway will take us to court. Okay, Norway. You want to play hardball? Tell you what. Saddle up the reindeer, strap some body armor over your queer-ass Dale sweaters, wrap your pretentious scarf tight around your chicken neck, and meet us on the field of battle. Or how about this? How about we just stop selling iPods in Norway? And we block anyone in Norway from getting access to iTunes? And we tell everyone there that Bjoern Erik Thon is the reason for this, and here's his home address and phone number, so go see him if you don't like it. Or even better: How about I run for president of Norway, win in a landslide, fire Bjoern Erik Thon, and pass a law outlawing Microsoft and making Apple products the only ones allowed in Norway?
Now I need to find a fake Bill Gates blog where he raves about Vista...

Read more about Steve here...


  1. When are YOU going to have a fake blog of being a great sage like Obi-Wan Kenobi???

  2. I do have a fake blog, but the author isn't a great sage. Maybe in his own mind.
