Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Playoff Predictions: Round 2

Well, I got three of the four division series winners right. But I did say that the Cubs were the Cubs. What the hell is the matter with that team? They played tight. And the Angels? They played like $#!@. How come they never played so poorly vs. the Yankees?

Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays: The only thing standing between the hated BoSox and back-to-back World Series championships are the Rays. I pray that the Rays beat them. I’m sick of Red Sox and their front runner “fans.” Rays in 6. But they REALLY need to win the first two games at home.

Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Philadelphia Phillies: Don’t look now, but the Dodgers look like they’re gonna pull an ’06 Cardinals on everybody. My head says the Phillies are a better team, but my gut says the Dodgers are going to pull this off. Dodgers in 7.

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