From Military.com:
ORLANDO, Florida - An American astronaut accused of trying to kidnap a romantic rival for a space shuttle pilot's affections will remain in jail because authorities planned to charge her with attempted first-degree murder.
Orange County jail spokesman Allen Moore said Orlando police were in the process of adding the more serious charge that Navy Capt. Lisa Marie Nowak, 43, tried to kill Colleen Shipman, who she believed was romantically involved with fellow astronaut, Navy Cmdr. William Oefelein.
Nowak drove 900 miles (1,500 kilometers) from her home in Houston to Orlando International Airport, donned a disguise and was armed with a BB gun and pepper spray when she confronted Shipman, police said. During the drive, she wore diapers - as astronauts do during launch and re-entry - so she would not have to stop to go to the bathroom.
Nowak raced from Houston to Orlando. Dressed in a wig and a trench coat, she waited for Shipman's plane to land and then boarded the same airport shuttle bus Shipman took to get to her car, police said. Shipman told police she noticed someone following her, hurried inside the car and locked the doors, according to the arrest affidavit.
Nowak rapped on the window, tried to open the car door and asked for a ride. Shipman refused but rolled down the car window a few inches when Nowak started crying. Nowak then sprayed a chemical into Shipman's car, the affidavit said. Shipman drove to the parking lot booth and police were called.
An officer reported following Nowak and watching her throw away a bag containing the wig and BB gun. Police also found a steel mallet, a 4-inch (10-centimeter) folding knife, rubber tubing, $600 and garbage bags inside a bag Nowak was carrying when she was arrested, authorities said.
I love this story. OMG, this woman is CRAZY! This is an educated woman and she's reduced herself to a Jerry Springer Show trailer park stereotype. Unbelieveable.
What was she going to do with the rubber tubing and garbage bags? Suck out the other woman's blood? Gas her? Creepy.